Kaidro Journals

    The journals are FREE nfts that you use to connect to Kaidro.com website to allow you to do their quests.

    You can mint it for free (it does require tx fee) by going to Kaidro website and linking your ronin wallet. As always, please make sure you are going to their official website. Don't even trust the links on my site without looking at the address it's actually taking you. Make sure you are in the correct site before linking your wallet.

    When you mint your free journal, it will always be Chronicle version at this point. Shadow/Astral/Codex/Gaias were limited skin versions for early supporters (they were also free to mint at the time). Only way to get them now is by buying one from Mavis Market. You can find the links to the market for each type below.

- The journal's only job is to connect you on Kaidro website for their quests. That's it. If you want to truly get involved with actually doing the quests, you will highly likely need the sparksuits.
- It does also allow you to unlock Evo skin for Pixels game (which is a totally different game made by different company).

Source Journal:
- This is a one of a kind skin journal that was raffled a SS owner (0xxNathan) on April 17th, 2024.
Kaidro team have have indicated that the owner of this journal will have their character become part of the Kaidro comic/game/animation.
- Journal Lores excerpts from the team: "The moment you became a Demi-Kaidro, voices of all types reached out to you from the Astral Realm. From the smallest chirp of insects to the deep booming voice of the planets in the solar system. You discovered that everything in the universe is interconnected as one and is known as the Source. You wandered in a trance-like state to a location where you saw a bright light streak across the sky. You arrived at the impact location to reveal a golden journal, Source Records, calling out to you. Your journey of self-discovery has only just begun."

Don't pay for this...

Seriously, don't pay for this...

Why is shadow book brown?

Kinda cool.

My favorite design.

Amazing but too flashy for my liking.

One of a kind special skin.